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What is all about?

hResuMe is a simple web app, which lets you manage your resume in a convenient way using standard web browser. You can define any number of resumes, each one has its own URL address and can be tailored to meet the needs of specific employer. Apart from standard HTML version, PDF version (de facto standard for documents exchange on the Internet) and TXT version are also generated for each resume. HTML version can be presented in one of the two pre-defined clean and minimalistic theme variants and generated markup implements various microformats, such as hResume and hCard. You can also restrict access to specific resume by defining a password.

Tired of updating your resume inside word processor? – try hResuMe today!


When creating new resume, your first step is to define key components or "building blocks". Blocks are reusable elements which can be connected to many resumes. Each block contains content determined by its type. There are following types of blocks defined inside application:

  • Contact - this block should contain basic personal information such as name(s), family name, e-mail, webpage, phone number, address or date of birth. Single resume can contain only one block of this type.
  • Summary - this block should contain a brief summary of your person, your CV and your professional goals. Single resume can contain only one block of this type.
  • Experience - this block should describe a single item in your professional experience. The description should include information such as place of employment, job title, period of employment or responsibilities. Single resume can contain many blocks of this type and they are automatically sorted chronologically.
  • Education - this block should describe a single item from your education history. The description should include information such as school name or participation dates. Single resume can contain many blocks of this type and they are automatically sorted chronologically.
  • Skills - this block should describe your skills. The best solution is to group your skills (IT skills, language skills and so on) and place them in separate blocks of this type. Single resume can contain many blocks of this type and they can be reordered freely.
  • Covering Letter - this is a special type of block, which should contain the contents of covering letter. Single resume can contain one block of this type.
  • Custom - if in your resume you would like to present information that does not fit into any of the categories above, you can do this by creating so called "Custom Block". As an example this block could contain links to your portfolio items or your interests/hobbies. Single resume can contain many blocks of this type.
  • Photo - this block should contain your photo. Block can hold both thumbnail and fullsize version - only thumbnail version is required. Single resume can contain one block of this type.


Resume is a set of building blocks of your choice. Blocks can be reordered within resume, for example, if you want to move certain block before other block, just drag its rectangle to the new position via "drag and drop" technique.

Language versions

It is required to specify language version when creating new resume or block. You can link only resumes and blocks in the same language. You can change the language of a resume or block at a later stage, but this raises consequences. If there are some blocks attached to resume, you can change its language only if you deattach those blocks. Similarly, if you change block's language, it will be deattached from all resumes.

There is also possibility to link different resumes together. This is convenient way of linking different language versions of the same resume. Person who is viewing such resume can move to other version by clicking appropriate button. Linking can be made inside "Link other resumes" field on the edit page.

Formatting text inside text fields

When adding/editing blocks or resumes you certainly come across a rectangular boxes that can accommodate larger amounts of text. The text in these fields can be formatted using Markdown language. Supported subset of Markdown tags is presented in the table below:

Input Output
First paragraph.[Enter]
Second paragraph.
First paragraph.

Second paragraph.
First sentence[space][space][Enter]
the end of first sentence.
First sentence
the end of first sentence.
- list[Enter]
- list[Enter]
- list
  • list
  • list
  • list
This is **boldface** and this is *emphasis*. This is boldface and this is emphasis.
This is [link](http://hresume.co.cc/). This is link.